Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Mistakes to Avoid in Getting Bigger Biceps

Mistakes to Avoid in Getting Bigger Biceps
Mistakes to Avoid in Getting Bigger Biceps. Dudes love to hear people say, ‘nice pair of guns’ when they flaunt their biceps but simply putting an Instagram caption, “sun’s out and guns out” will neither get you a lot of likes nor will it change peoples’ perception of your muscles and body. You may be working out hard, but if you’re making a few essential mistakes, getting these compliments will be quite difficult. Getting bigger biceps is not easy; you must lift heavy weights and work out hard to get those big guns. At the same time, you must avoid mistakes that can prevent you from achieving your goal. What are the mistakes that are affecting your workout and limiting you from getting bigger biceps? Let’s take a look.
1.     Momentum for Curls
In order to grow your muscles, you must force them to work. If you just bend forward and swing your arms so that you can lift heavier weight, there will be no tension in your biceps and your arms workout will give you no gain.
If you are swinging your arms in order to lift those dumbbells, there is no point of lifting heavier weights. You should switch with a lighter pair to make sure that your technique is right. You will only get bigger guns with the right technique.
2.     Leaning back
If you lean back during your curl, you will not only take off tension from your biceps but will also put yourself at risk of suffering from a lower spine injury. Tension leads to the growth of a muscle, so always stay upright during your bicep curl exercise. If you are not able to complete the lift and must lean backwards to lift the weight, use lighter weights.
3.     Lifting Shoulders/Elbows
Some lifters who start working out on their biceps without a trainer think that they can get more squeeze in their biceps by raising their elbows or shrugging their shoulders. When you lift your shoulders and arms, your anterior deltoids get involved in the movement, taking the tension off from your biceps and teaching the effect of your bicep curls. Never lift your elbows or shoulders during a bicep curl; stay disciplined if you want to get the best results from your bicep exercises.
4.     Using Forearms to Curl
Some guys complain that they get more burn in their forearms instead of their biceps when performing curls. For some people, this happens because of an imbalance of strength between forearms and biceps. This strength imbalance can be corrected by training the forearms through tools like Adjustable Hand Grip Strengthener.
However, most of the times, feeling more forearm burn is because of a wrong technique. When starting your curls, make sure that you don’t contract your forearms first. Your wrists should be lined with your forearms at all times.
5.     Combining Biceps with Lats
Normally, you can train biceps and lats on the same day, but if your top priority is biceps growth, then it is better to do these two different muscle groups on separate days. Pulling is involved in tax movements, which taxes your biceps and affects the intensity with which you can complete your curls, thus affecting your biceps workout.
These mistakes may seem minute, but they have a major impact on your biceps workout. If you want to get bigger biceps, never make these mistakes and always focus on the right technique.

by Biel Fit

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Sunday, July 29, 2018

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Symptoms of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Did you notice that your fingers become numb at night? Or Did you wake up with numbness and tingling in your hands that may run all the way to your shoulder? If the symptoms continue, it may be Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) and if it is not treated in the early stage, you may lose the hand grip totally, because your hand muscles will get shrunk and the worst part is, it induces deep muscle pain and eventually you may have to undergo surgery.

What are the Causes?

CTS is painful and disruptive to your daily life. Repetitive motions of the wrist that you do over and over, especially when your wrist is above your fingers, you will become vulnerable to CTS. Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis, Hypothyroidism, Obesity and Diabetes have more chance of getting CTS.

Hand Grip Strengthener For CTS Cure

Early diagnosis plays a key role because it can be treated easily and prevent permanent nerve damage.
Hand Grip Strengthening exercises are most effective when combined with other treatments, such as change of work routine and simple medications, for mild to moderate carpal tunnel syndrome. You need to have a break from your daily routine of work, that involves a repetitive movement of hands.
Because mild wrist exercising with a grip strengthener will help the median nerve movement around the carpal tunnel. This exercise may be particularly effective if your CTS is caused by inflammatory conditions, such as Rheumatoid Arthritis to relieve pressure from the nerve. With our portable, easy to carry strengthener kit that fits in your handbag, work bag or even pocket, you can do quick wrist exercises while you’re standing in line at the grocery store, driving or sitting at your desk at work.
Wrist exercises increase flexibility and help lower the risk of injury. Stretches using mild hand stretcher are recommended as a preventive measure or to ease the slight pain. You can minimize or even avoid pain by doing these simple workouts.
In addition to the workouts, applying cold packs, taking frequent breaks, splinting your wrist at night can give you relief from the symptoms and muscle pain and will ease the hand and wrist movements.

For Nerve Relaxation After Surgery

If an early prediction is not done, then exercise with a hand grip strengthener after surgery for carpal tunnel to prevent nerve scarring. The range-of-motion produced during the exercises like nerve-gliding exercises might help heal significant trauma to the wrist. 
Before attempting any exercise, consult your doctor to take which kind of exercise that suits you best for the improvement in hand grip strength. No need to wait until you get affected from CTS, if your work involves hours of repeated movement of the wrists and fingers, get our Hand Grip Strengthener kit and work out on the daily basis. After all, we know that "Prevention is better than cure".

by Biel Fit
Check out our products and eBook

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

How to Have Stronger Forearms

How to Have Stronger Forearms

Forearms can be overpowered by strong triceps and biceps, and if that’s the case for you, you need to blow up those stubborn forearms with intense exercises.
If you’re a baseball player, carpenter, mechanic or a laborer who is engaged in a lot of physical exercises with his hands then you probably already have monster forearms. But if your job does not involve much physical exercise, you probably need to pay attention to your weak forearms.
Here are some ways you can make your forearms impressive in both functionality and looks.

1. Hand Grippers

You must be familiar with the hand grippers and they really work well for forearms. To get the most out of hand grippers, you must increase the resistance as you progress. Buy multiple grippers with different coil thicknesses. As you exercise and become comfortable with one gripper, move on to the next one with greater coil thickness. Grippers are great because they can be used anywhere and are inexpensive.

2. Loaded Carriers

Forearms training can be made more effective by maximizing the muscular endurance. Exercises like fireman’s carriers, farmers walk and another kind of dynamic movements where an isometric grip is required are the key. As you progress through these exercises, you’ll see how your grip strength improves and forearms start to blow up.

3. Hammer Grip

Use a hammer grip when performing chin-ups and biceps in the neutral position of the palm will allow the brachioradialis to be targeted more effectively. This is simple: just ditch the normal curls and pull-ups and use a hammer grip wherever you can.

4. Strongman Stuff

Loaded carriers are a good way to start working on forearms, but to spice things up a little, strongman stuff is recommended. You may be able to get access to big rocks to carry, ropes to pull or climb or tires to flip, and if you can, incorporate them into forearms training as a secondary exercise. Regular strongman workout can guarantee you bigger and stronger forearms.

5. Challenge Yourself

When you perform basic movements, don’t just limit yourself to standard dumbbells and barbells – change it! Give your forearms and grip a challenge by making them grasp something tight. There are some tools that can be used for increasing bar thickness to improve the grip strength of the lifter. To hold a fatter bar, you’ll need to squeeze tighter which means you’ll be doing a workout within a workout.

The Final Word

Most people think that to make the forearms muscle stronger, specific training is required that involves typical sets and reps. However, that is not the case. Loaded carriers, hand grips, and strongman workout are all important to make your forearms monstrous. Try these methods and soon you’ll need to wear sleeveless shirts just because your arms won’t fit into your sleeves.

by Biel Fit
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How To Lose Belly Fat

How To Lose Belly Fat
We’ve all been there: staring at the cake and knowing we should eat the vegetable mother has cooked. No matter how much we try to convince ourselves for making the healthy choice, we find ourselves reaching for the cake.
Why does the food we eat even matter?
Diet plays a crucial role especially when you’re hoping to shed that extra fat around your belly. While there may not be any magic bullet for losing belly fat, eating the right food definitely helps. So, what are the foods that you should be eating for a slimmer waist? We’ll jump right into that.


Oats are rich in fiber that’s why when you eat it, your stomach remains full longer which reduces appetite and helps to lower intake of calories. Moreover, oats can easily be digested which helps to reduce bloating. Cinnamon can be added with oats for a better effect. A study shows that when cinnamon is sprinkled over cereal, it helps to lower insulin production after food is consumed. Excess sugar is turned into fat by insulin so when insulin will decrease, you’ll be able to lose belly fat.


Peanuts, almonds, pistachios, walnuts- just go nuts about nuts. Those who consume nuts instead of carb-based diet have low abdominal fat. Nuts are loaded with monosaturated fat and Vitamin E which help to combat belly fat.   However, be advised that you should never overeat nuts as although they are rich in nutrients, but overeating will always increase fat instead of lowering it.

Green Tea

There are studies that suggest green tea helps with weight loss and a few studies also show that belly fat is the first area that is targeted by green tea. In other words, if you wish to reduce belly fat, green tea is sure to hit the spot. Scientists believe that the rate by which fat breaks down in the human body is increased by green tea. Green tea also improves the sensitivity of blood sugar which helps in reducing cravings for sugar and refined carbohydrates.

Dairy Products (Low-fat or fat-free milk, cheese, yogurt)

Several studies show that improved body composition and high take of calcium is strongly linked. When calcium level is low, the secret hormones of the body allow it better use the calcium that’s already present. However, the problem is that at the same, the body also signals the fat cells to hold onto the fat. Dairy products like low fat or fat-free milk, cheese, and yogurt are preferred to fulfill calcium requirements.
Olive Oil
Olive oil and other plant-based oils have hormones that create that full feeling to help you eat less. However, avoid battered foods that are fried in oil. Fried snacks lead to weight gain so you are better off eating them once in a while.
It will require commitment and persistence to achieve weight loss, especially around your belly. But, if you don’t give up and stay focused on eating the right food, you’ll soon have a slimmer waist that you desire.

by Biel Fit
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Reasons to Increase Your Grip Strength

Reasons to Increase Your Grip Strength

Almost everyone today is aware of the importance of maintaining a healthy physical fitness level to live a quality life. For most of us, this usually means hitting the gym to perform a variety of exercises. For those who regularly go to the gym to maximize their strength, vigor, and health, one important thing they must take into consideration is grip strength.
Why does grip strength matter? You might ask this question like many others who are unaware of the importance of grip strength. You might think that it is unreasonable to take some time out from your hardcore exercises to train the lower arms and hands for increasing the grip strength. However, the truth is, a strong grip provides substantial benefits in training as well as other things. Let’s take a look at what those benefits are.

1.The Stronger Your Grip is The Stronger You Are

How many times has it happened that you couldn’t do another rep because your grip fatigued or slipped? You must have experienced times when you couldn’t continue to work out because your grip gave out before all the other muscles of your body. Hands and forearms often fatigue quickly during deadlifts, biceps curls, and other exercises.
Many exercises in the gym require carrying heavy weight around. This involves controlling and holding onto that weight. A strong grip allows you to hold heavy weights in the gym without your hands tiring out too soon. Your grip won’t exhaust, therefore you won’t be limited by the amount of training you can carry out in the gym.

2.Stronger Grip Means Stronger Handshake

Society judges men by the level of their strength and how physically strong they look. A hearty, strong handshake is perfect for showing others how strong and manly you really are and it leaves a great impression on others. Have you ever shaken hands with a person whose grips felt like Thor? It was really impressive, right? By increasing your grip strength, you can have the same strong handshake.

3. Stronger Grip Leads to More Injury Resiliency

Strengthened muscles and tissues are more resistant to injury and even if you suffer from an injury; with stronger tissues, you’ll be able to recover faster and get back to training. This is especially important for players who play sports where hands are continuously used. For example, players of tennis and squash rely on their hands and forearms to play the game and if an injury occurs in these areas, they will be out of the game for a long time. With stronger tissues, these athletes can recover sooner and get back on top of their game.
Are you taken over by these remarkable benefits of increased grip strength? Do you want to increase your grip strength and become stronger? If yes, then get Adjustable Hand Grip Strengtheners. Adjustable Hand Grip Strengtheners includes tools that can help you get a stronger grip. These tools are portable, so you can work on increasing your grip strength anytime, anywhere.

by Biel Fit
Check out our products and eBook

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

How To Manage Arthritis

How To Manage Arthritis

Life is beautiful, but no matter what you do, it will take its toll. Physically, mentally, or emotionally, it will take a part of you away. I have seen countless individuals live a great and fantastic life, but in the end, they all end up the same, either in a wheelchair or in a nursing home, and for me, this is probably one of the worst things that can happen to a person.
Not being able to take care of yourself is probably one of the most unwanted situations in the world. Picture this, even the smallest tasks will be a painful journey, something as simple as opening a can of soda or pulling the living room blinds open, ridiculous right? What must you do you ask? Simple. Take care of yourself by making yourself stronger. And when you do that, your worries will go out the window.
Like me for example. I have arthritis and it affects mostly my hands. It isn’t life-threatening, but it is life-consuming. At first, it was a real struggle, but when I realized the benefits of using hand strengtheners, all my pain just went away.
Arthritis is a degenerative disease that causes pain in the joints and weakens them. It affects a lot of people who are aging and does not choose who to affect. And the thing is, most people who are stricken by this disease complain a lot about their hands. This goes to show that the only way to prevent or manage this is by making your hand joints strong. And with the use of handgrip strengtheners, you will have the following benefits:

Increased Hand Endurance
Regular use of hand grip strengtheners increases the blood flow to your hands, making it more durable. Blood carries oxygen to the muscles and joints, and you need good old O2 to refuel. Think of it as a training for a marathon. You need to increase your stamina in order to run that extra mile, right? It is the same with your hands.
Noticeable improvement | Hand Strength
Hand grip strengtheners greatly improve the strength of your hands because it’s like lifting weights but focuses more on your grip. Now for elderly people with arthritis, this is definitely a game changer since the disease itself decreases the ability of the hands to grip things tightly and securely, well with hand strengtheners, this won’t be a problem anymore.

Improvement of Dexterity
This is definitely good for musicians or for those people who do a lot of work with their hands because it greatly increases the independence of each finger, making it more precise and useful.

Manages pain greatly
Lastly, hand grip strengtheners help in managing pain because it exercises the hands, causing more oxygen to flow and repair or refuel tired muscles, tissues, joints, and tendons. Medicines are still applicable, but with these tools, you can greatly expect a decrease in pain in no time.
We can only do what is best until our time comes. So, when we have to walk the talk, let us all remember that we are given the intelligence not only to take care of others but also of ourselves.

by Biel Fit
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